Plant of the Month - Habenaria medusa
An interview with plant of the month grower Barry Lubin on Habenaria medusa.

Plant of the Month - Cattleya Toshi Aoki ‘Starburst’
An interview with plant of the month grower George Titterton on Cattleya Toshi Aoki 'Starburst'.

Plant of the Month - Paphiopedilum tigrinum 'Michael' AM/AOS
An interview with plant of the month grower Steve Robinson on Paphiopedilum tigrinum 'Michael' AM/AOS.

Plant of the Month - Dendrobium Micro Chip
An interview with plant of the month grower Jim Ault on Dendrobium Micro Chip.

World Orchid Conference 2024
Illinois Orchid Society member Kay Perry was selected as a judge for the 23rd World Orchid Conference held earlier this year in Taiwan. Kay shares highlights and amazing photos for us to see what it was like to be there.
Plant of the Month - Cymbidium (Balkis x Rosanna Easton)
An interview with plant of the month grower John Adams on Cymbidium (Balkis x Rosanna Easton).

Plant of the Month - Ludisia discolor
An interview with plant of the month grower Barry Lubin on Ludisia discolor.

Plant of the Month - Coelogyne cristata
An interview with plant of the month grower Barry Lubin on Coelogyne cristata.

Plant of the Month - Miltoniopsis Silver ‘Copper Splash’ x Bertha Baker ‘Florentine’
An interview with plant of the month grower Cathleen Daghestani on Miltoniopsis Silver ‘Copper Splash’ x Bertha Baker ‘Florentine.’

Plant of the Month - Brassocattleya Maikai ‘Mayumi’
An interview with plant of the month grower Steve Robinson on Brassocattleya Maikai ‘Mayumi.’

Plant of the Month - Habenaria erichmichelii
An interview with plant of the month winner Tony Quirk on Habenaria erichmichelii.

Plant of the Month - Aerangis biloba
An interview with plant of the month winner Jim Ault on Aerangis biloba.

Successfully Growing Cattleya Species
Renowned Cattleya grower and Illinois Orchid Society (IOS) member, Bill Rogerson, has received hundreds of American Orchid Society (AOS) awards for his exceptional plants and shares his knowledge about Cattleya species.