Plant of the Month - Coelogyne cristata
Coelogyne cristata, February 2024 greenhouse-grown Plant of the Month
Photo courtesy of Katie Payeur
An interview with the grower, Barry Lubin.
By John Hockberger
Barry, you had the honor of winning Plant of the Month for two different plants in February, 2024. What was the first plant?
Barry — Coelogyne cristata. It is a species.
Where and when did you purchase it?
Barry — It was a division of a plant owned by another IOS member. The member gave to me as a gift two years ago.
What are your growing conditions?
Barry — I grow in a greenhouse and use LED lights to supplement the natural light conditions. I use “baker’s racks” with 2 or 3 shelves to support the plants. Those on the top shelves get only natural sunlight. Plants on the second and third shelves get some sunlight, but not enough to meet their requirements without supplementation. The LED lights fill in for the sun. The LED lights are on for 12 hours in the winter and are adjusted monthly to 15 hours in the summer. Temperature in the greenhouse falls to the high 50s at night and follow outside temperatures during summer days. I have a misting system and strong venting fans to keep the summer temperature from becoming excessively hot. Humidity stays in the 80% range all the time.
What is its bloom cycle?
Barry — It blooms once a year, starting in December. The flowers last almost 2 months.
Would you say this plant is easy to grow, intermediate or more difficult?
Barry— As with most orchids, it is easy to grow if you can meet its cultural requirements. This species needs cool temperatures in the winter. If your growing conditions never get below 60F, you may not get flowers.
Anything else that an orchid grower/enthusiast might like to know about this plant?
Barry — The flowers are very pleasantly fragrant.