Interviews with Growers
New interviews with fellow IOS members are now available on the Specialized Topics page, under Resources. Each article discusses a recent Plant of the Month.
A new article series has been created to share more information about some of the plants of the month selected by the IOS judges at our member meetings. The articles are a Q&A format, in which IOS member John Hockberger conducts an interview with the grower of the orchid that has received special recognition. You can find these articles on the Specialized Topics page.
The plants that have been covered thus far are Aerangis biloba, Habenaria erichmichelii, and now available, the two January 2024 plants of the month, Brassocattleya Maikai ‘Mayumi’ and Miltoniopsis Silver ‘Copper Splash’ x Bertha Baker ‘Florentine.’ Check them out, and look for a different plant to be featured each month.