“Principles of Orchid Growing from a Botanist’s Perspective” with Ken Cameron
For our first meeting of the year, we are pleased to be joined by Kenneth Cameron, Ph.D. of the Department of Botany at University of Wisconsin-Madison. The best way to learn how to grow orchids is to first understand their basic biology. What makes an orchid an orchid? How are they similar or different from other plants? Even the most experienced orchid growers misunderstand some of the fundamentals of orchid biology, so Ken will present them in the context of orchid cultivation inspired by the book “Botany for Gardeners.”
11:00 am Meet and Greet, Pullman Room
11:30-12:00 New Member Orientation, Alsdorf Auditorium
12:00 pm Please have your plants and tags on the display tables for judging
12:15 pm Plant judging starts
Cast your vote for People’s Choice
12:30 pm Short business meeting for all members, Alsdorf Auditorium
1:00 pm Main presentation: “Principles of Orchid Growing from a Botanist’s Perspective”
2:30 pm Meeting adjourns